C-J Li Lab

at McGill University

C-J Li Lab

at McGill University


PhD Student
Fuqing is from Guangdong, China. Having spent a quarter of her life in the subtropics, she decided to move to a temperate zone for her post-secondary studies. During her undergraduate studies at McGill, she worked on organic synthesis in the Tsantrizos group, molecular biology in the Pantopoulos group, and nucleic acid chemistry in the Sleiman group. Fuqing joined the Li group in Fall 2024 to start her PhD studies and is currently working on hydrazone chemistry. In her spare time, she enjoys doing jigsaw puzzles, staying indoors to watch the rain and snow, and looking for microwave dinners and nutritious instant noodles in grocery stores.
B.Sc. Microbiology and Immunology (Chemistry minor), McGill University